Tag Archives: disease

Interesting Stuff


 Recently I was surfing the web and came across some interesting yet “useless information”. I thought I would share some of here. I’m sure you will never use it. However, if you are ever on Jeopardy…..well you know who to thank 🙂 

*~*  DO YOU FEEL LIKE AN ASS??? When a female horse and a male donkey mate, the offspring is called a mule, but when a male horse and a female donkey mate, the offspring is called a hinny. When a male zebra and a female donkey mate the offspring is called a ‘zedonk’ or ‘zebrass’. All of these resulting offspring are sterile (can’t have babies).

*~* EASIEST WAY TO CURB YOUR URGE FOR CHOCOLATE: Did you know that the average chocolate bar in the U.S. contains at least 8 pieces of an insect in it? Harvesting of the cacao beans occurs in the tropical countries of South America with low sanitation levels. Cacao tree beans are cut and piled in the farmer’s field where they ferment for 6 days. During this process, children and adults walk over the piles; insects, rodents, small animals and other living things that make their nests in the piles. Actually the The U. S. Department of Health publishes a book entitled “The Food Defect Action Levels” in which they list unavoidable defects in food (insect, rodents etc.) all allowed by FDA.

*~* POOR BIRDIES: It is believed that in a small town in North Eastern part of India (Jatinga) birds commit suicide in a particular 1.5 km long and around 200 meters wide strip of field area. These birds are not suicidal since their behavior may be attributed to heavy rains and floods and submergence of their natural habitat in the surrounding areas. Also the local villagers light torches which attract the birds migrating at night. They then clobber them to death with bamboo poles and eat them!

*~* HOW STRONG IS YOUR BLADDER??? If you ever swim in the Amazon and Oranoco Rivers of South America please think twice before urinating in the water. Fish called Candiru or Carnero is attracted by urine smell (urea and ammonia) and it can insert it self into the penis or vagina while urinating. Then penis fish lodges itself somewhere in the urinary tract with its spines and it uses its mouth for feeding by sucking the blood. It is almost impossible for fish to survive inside of the human body. Removal of the fish is extremely hard due to the spines and if problem is not treated it can result in removal of the genitals.

*~* LION + TIGER=LIGER: What happens when a male lion and a female tiger breed? A Liger – the largest of all felines. A liger looks like a giant lion with diffused stripes and some male ligers grow sparse manes. These massive creatures are 10 feet long on average and weigh about 700 lb (320kg). Liger love swimming – trait common to tigers but lacking in lions. Ligers have been bred in captivity, deliberately and accidentally, since shortly before World War II. The largest liger alive today is appropriately named Hercules and lives in Jungle Island in Miami.

*~* ELEPHANT FACTS: Elephants are well known for their intelligence and caring for each other. Elephants cry and laugh and they are largest animals that live on land. Elephants live long, between 60-70 years. Elephant’s musk has more than 100,000 muscle units and elephant poops around 80 pounds a day. It is known that elephants take a great care over dead bones of their family members. However, it is the myth that they carry them to secret “elephant burial grounds”. Interesting elephant fact is that periodically male elephants go through musth or extremely aggressive sexual behavior. Musth in Persian means “intoxicated” and it is recorded that male elephant in musth has 60 times higher level of testosterone than in the normal elephant. Elephant male in the musth will kill and destroy everything in his path. Take a look at this shocking vicious video to learn more about this highly aggressive elephant behavior.

*Remember me during the Bonus Round