Category Archives: Spirituality



Don’t wait for time. Make it.
Don’t wait for love. Feel it.
Don’t wait for money. Earn it.
Don’t wait for the path. Find it.
Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.
Don’t go for less. Get the best.
Don’t compare. Be unique.
Don’t fight your misfortune. Transform it.
Don’t avoid failure. Use it.
Don’t dwell on mistake. Learn from it.
Don’t back down. Go around.
Don’t close your eyes. Open your mind.
Don’t run from life. Embrace it….



Dear Readers,
The following message was sent to me by a dear friend.
I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I do. The name of it is…..


Make a Right onto Believeth Blvd. Keep straight and go through
the Green Light, which is Jesus Christ. There, you must turn onto
the Bridge of Faith, which is over troubled water.

Now when you get off the bridge, make a Right turn and Keep
Straight. You are on the King’s Highway – Heaven-bound.
Keep going for three miles: One for the Father, One for the Son,
and One for the Holy Spirit.

Then take the Grace Blvd exit. From there, make a Right turn
on Gospel Lane. Keep Straight and then make another Right on
Prayer Road. As you go on your way, Yield Not to the traffic on
Temptation Ave. Also, avoid SIN STREET because it is a DEAD
END. Pass up Envy Drive, and Hate Avenue. Also, pass
Hypocrisy Street, Gossiping Lane, and Backbiting Blvd.

However, you will have to go down Long-suffering Lane,
Persecution Blvd. and Trials and Tribulations Ave, but that’s all
right, because VICTORY Street is straight ahead! AMEN!
( Author Unknown )

Now Readers, send these directions to your friends so they
will not get lost, for it would be a shame for them to miss the
wonderful services held there!

All My Love & Prayers,

March is here Pisces-Aries…


Pisces is the mutable water sign and very much exist in their own universe, tuned into the emotional, receptive qualities of life that most of us cannot see, touch nor feel. In love they are dream filled and romantic, full of enchanted visions and hopeful fantasies. They’re eager to share their thoughts and reveries when they feel secure, understood and appreciated. Of all the signs Pisces needs the most encouragement to feel true within themselves and to learn the validity of their own thoughts and needs. They make the most delightful companions and are generally soft, gentle and easy going, especially if they have a role model to look up to within the relationship. This is a delicate balance that Pisces learns to control as they go through life as their projections onto their mate can be helpful if it encourages them to motivate their own lives and resources but can turn into tenacious co-dependency if the Pisces refuses to embrace their own lives, needs and thoughts. They can be confusing creatures never able to define their roles within the relationship and constantly turning to sources outside of the union for definition and explanation. This can slowly erode the bond between the lovers/partners as the partner. A Pisces encouraged to find and embrace their answers within themselves and one who has learned to trust their own thoughts, feelings and perceptions make one of the most loving, sensual and devoted mates their is.

Pisces Sexuality: Pisces sexuality is always wrapped around those inner worlds they exist in and becomes an emotional experience that can take them on voyages into ecstasy and passion. But because they do exist within this world where things are nebulous, mystical and emotion oriented if they are projecting outwards to find validity of what they are seeing and feeling inside rather than combining the experience of the physical intimacy with the thoughts and dreams they can feel disappointed…or saddened. If they’ve learned to simply using what is inside to inspire their participation in the literal reality based world they can take their lover on their enchanted voyages with them…and create an exciting and enchanting sexual companionship.

The long term story: There is a certain amount of inner strength combined with outer strength that is needed when involved long term with a Pisces, as they must learn to become their own sources of joy, inspiration and answers. A weak mate who goes along with every Piscean whim or fantasy is as destructive as a mate who cannot see the validity of those things they are experiencing internally. One can create a union with no solidity or reality underneath of it and the other can cause the Pisces to further doubt their own truth and inner strength. At the best the Pisces brings to the relationship a touch of all that is universal and mysterious. They are dreamy, poetic and romance filled beings who make life a true sojourn through the world of feelings and passions. At worst they release any semblance of inner belief and become attached to the partner or other form of projection in an attempt to capture outside…what goes on inside.

Positive Traits in Love: Playful, friendly, spontaneous, open minded, caring, devoted, liberal, understanding, tolerant, benevolent.

Negative traits: Erratic, undependable, self oriented, cold, aloof, mean, self centered, unable to commit, judgmental, fickle.

What a Pisces likes: Romance, Feeling appreciated, Stability, Feeling needed, Mystical settings/enchantment, Being encouraged to dream, Sharing thoughts/dreams, Having their input valued, A role model, Feeling loved.

What a Pisces Dislikes: Feeling vulnerable, Feeling alone/unloved, Having no goals to project towards, Feeling invalidated, Being ignored, Crude/harsh behavior, Noisy scenes/displays, Having no dreams, Having no sense of structure.

Pisces Love Keywords: Mystical, enchanting, emotional, loving, devoted, reverent, creative, confused, depressed, irresponsible, goal-less, lack of motivation or push, co-dependency issues.



When Arians want to, they can be very charming and hard to resist by the opposite sex. People born under the Aries sign need to harness their powerful energies, or even rein them in a little, so those with whom they would like to spend time are not overwhelmed by their advances.

In a relationship, Arians assume the role of motivator and want to be control. The Aries driving force compels those born under its influence to become the leading light in any co-operative venture. Sometimes it seems they want to defeat their partners, not love them.

Arians are enthusiastic and adventurous lovers. They will always want to push to take their lovemaking to new plateaus. Their partners can sometimes be overwhelmed by this spirited approach. Arians love to experiment and to take things to the limit, so, roll over Kama Sutra, the Arian lover is re-writing it all from scratch!

An Aries sexuality is driven, powerful and almost a feat of showmanship when they are truly captivated. Since Aries tend to be action/goal oriented sex can become a series of higher plateaus involving anything their fertile imaginations can conjure up. Aries are the zodiacs show-offs and the bedroom isn’t excluded from their dramatic and captivating ability to get a partners undivided attention. The more appreciated they feel the more they invest in their lovemaking and private boundaries exist only to give an Aries something to leap over. Marathons of passion, spontaneous liaisons in the most unexpected places and inexhaustible stamina are all part of the Aries basic sexual make-up.

Lots of pampering and a lot of attention is needed with an Aries lover as they thrive on feeling they are number one in your life. They love to do the initial chasing and are usually not attracted to being chased but once their heart is given you can’t ever over-do your displays of affection. While they can be jealous and possessive you cannot show the same qualities and any kind of clinging is a sure fire way to drive them into new pastures. Under all the Aries bravado and show is actually a rather innocent child who simply wants to explore the wonderful world around them and to be appreciated. The more encouraged they are in either area the more exuberant they become.

Positive in love – Exuberance, expressiveness, passion, generosity, adoration, protectiveness, adventuress, fun loving, creative and energized lovemaking, devotion.

Negative in love – Temperamental, jealous, possessive, ego oriented, inconsiderate, reckless, fickle.

Likes in love – Being number one, A positive attitude, A life loving comrade, A partner who has style or a ‘look’, Being Seen Getting gifts Loyalty, Being active together, Romance and dazzle.

Dislikes in love – Being bored, Being chased Sloppiness in a mate, Criticism Anything mundane, Feeling unappreciated, Feeling inferior, Losing, Having to repeat things, Displays of insecurity.