I Love


Some Ideas For Yourself…
Consider what it means to fully accept yourself and forgive your past choices. Offer forgiveness either in your mind or shared verbally to another who you feel has impacted you in a negative way Meditate on Love as a force in your life Express your compassion and forgiveness to yourself and the world around you. Think and feel thoughts of love to friends, family and neighbors. Breathe. Send kind words to others via e-mail, faxes, mail or call them personally to express your gratitude of having them in your life. Make amends with someone you have discarded from your life. Forgive a person, place or illness that has challenged you. Hug someone and let yourself be hugged. Watch a sunrise or sunset, even better if you can do both in the same day. Smile. Embrace a stranger and meet the friend they become. Watch children play. Write a poem. Take a walk. Feel grateful for everything currently in your life. Dance as if no one is watching. Sing out loud. Accept another person’s view as their right to think that way. Spend the day thinking positive thoughts. Say a kind word to a stranger. Love the amazing animal kingdom. Forgive your childhood traumas. Send loving thoughts to the plants and flowers of this earth. Let go of fear and doubt. Trust yourself. Release the judgments you hold about life. Accept for a day that everything that comes your way as being right and perfect for the moment and is teaching you something. Visualize the world as a loving place.

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